When college students experience a lifestyle that is free from parental supervision for the first time, many students still behave properly. There is a portion of college students that commit various crimes, and the consequences of these actions can cost them dearly.
Every year, tens of thousands of college crimes occur across the country. The most common form of college crime is burglary, while other crimes like robbery, assault, and sexual assault are still present. There can be both legal and educational consequences to these crimes.
Legal consequences
A common misconception about campus police is that they are not real or legal law enforcement. The fact is that campus police are legitimate police officers, and often exist as a branch of local law enforcement. The charges officers place on a student come with the same consequences as they would off-campus. Being a college student does not exempt anyone from criminal consequences.
Educational consequences
In addition to the consequences of criminal charges from local law enforcement, the college a student is attending may impose their consequences. Depending on the nature of the crime in question, a college can apply any consequence ranging from suspension to expulsion. Depending on the circumstances of the crime, a student can also be prohibited from attending classes with other specific students.
The consequences are severe
College crimes can take away a student’s ability to attend the college of their dreams, and even keep them other colleges from accepting them to their school. No matter the circumstances, college crime consequences just are not worth the crime.