Denton Criminal Defense Law Blog
How Does Expunction Work In Texas?
You may have committed a crime several years ago. But now, you live your life on the straight and narrow. Yet, your former conviction may haunt you every time you apply [...]
The Consequences Of College Crimes
When college students experience a lifestyle that is free from parental supervision for the first time, many students still behave properly. There is a portion of college students that commit [...]
The Best Time To Get A Defense Attorney
Criminal charges of any kind are a frightening thing. A conviction threatens your rights, future, and freedom. When you are facing criminal charges, an attorney can be your best bet [...]
Will I Get Kicked Out Of College For A DWI?
College can be some of the best times of your life. Unfortunately, your newfound freedom can get you into trouble if you’re not careful. If your fun times get a [...]